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2 min, 31 sec read

Embracing Mindful Consumption: Navigating a Low-Buy Year Ahead

Jessica Harumi
2 min, 31 sec read

The start of a new year is the perfect time to set intentions and identify goals. It’s also a great time to take inventory of your wardrobe and plan your purchases for the year ahead. One effective way to do this is by considering a low-buy year. During a low-buy year you create a set of guidelines for each purchase you make, with the overall goal of limiting purchases throughout the year. Whether your goal is to downsize, budget or shop more responsibly for your wardrobe, this approach provides the framework to make it happen.

How to know if a low-buy year is right for you.

Take a moment to assess your wardrobe purchases over the past year. Were these purchases well thought out or did you struggle with impulse buying? If you’re looking to change your shopping habits or become more intentional with your wardrobe purchases, a low-buy year might be right for you.

Jessica Harumi wearing Pip Sweater in Ecru by Untouched World.

Tip #1: Assess your shopping habits.

While limiting your purchases for a year might sound like a challenge, it’s really about becoming more aware of your shopping habits and replacing them with better ones. If you find yourself browsing the “New In” page of your favorite online store after a long day at work, try browsing for a new recipe or podcast instead. Focusing on more creative and productive activities will shift your attention away from the “lack” mentality, feeling like you never have enough, that often accompanies bad shopping habits.

Tip #2: Set your wardrobe goals.

First take time to define what wardrobe success looks like for you. Do you want to set an overall budget for the year or are you looking to support better brands? Ask yourself what you want out of the experience and get clear on your intentions. Next, give yourself some rules to follow. Will you limit yourself to one purchase per month, only shop at the beginning of each season, or give yourself a week to think over each purchase? Write out your list of shopping rules and refer back to them throughout the year.

Tip #3: Plan your purchases.

Take inventory of the pieces you already own and make note of the gaps in your wardrobe. Once you have a list of pieces you would like to add to your wardrobe over the course of the year, set a budget and timeline for purchasing each piece. This shopping wish list will keep you on track and help curb impulse purchases.

Tip #4: Maximize your wardrobe.

Now that you’re changing your habits around shopping and mapping out your purchases, it’s time to make the most of your existing wardrobe. As you introduce new pieces into your wardrobe, take time to play around with styling. Create new outfit combinations to maximize your wardrobe and ensure that you get the most use out of your new pieces. Don’t forget to document these outfits and return to them whenever you need some style inspiration.

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